FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


    Q1. What is uCARE?
    Q2. How can I retrieve antibiotic details against which resistance has been already reported?
    Q3. How can I retrieve a particular antibiotic resistant gene of interest?
    Q4. How can I retrieve the operons from a particular segment of E. coli genome?
    Q5. How can I retrieve the pathogenic islands from a particular segment of E. coli genome?
    Q6. What are the parameters used by BLAST while sequence retrieval?
    Q7. Where can I download complete record of antibiotic resistance genes, pathogenic islands, operons and antibiotics with reported resistance?
    Q8. How can I submit my report to uCARE? What are their prerequisites?
    Q9. What is the future of UCARE?
    Q10. Where to report bugs and discrepancy?

    Ans 1. The User friendly Comprehensive Antibiotic resistance Repository of Escherichia coli (u-CARE) is a manually curated database which dissects different strains of Escherichia coli on both reductive i.e. antibiotic reistance genes, SNP conferring antibiotic resitance, transcription factors involved in antibiotic resistance as well as holistic level i.e. genome specific Operons and pathogenics islands. ↑TOP

    Ans 2.Antibiotics page can be retrieved by selecting "antibiotics" on the Browse through Fields tab and submitting antibiotic query. Antibiotic query can be Antibiotic name e.g. "ampicillin", pubchem cid e.g. "6249" or uCARE id. e.g. "UD0001". The list of all the antibiotics can also be found by selecting antibiotics from "BROWSE" drop down tab and submitting an empty form.


    Ans 3.Resistance gene pages can be retrieved by selecting "Resistance gene" on the Browse through Fields tab and submitting the gene query. Gene query can be Gene name e.g. "sul1", NCBI gene id e.g. "12678136", uniprot id e.g. "G0XAY8" or genpept id e.g. "YP_006142104.1". The list of all resistance genes can also be found by selecting Resistance gene from "BROWSE" drop down tab and submitting an empty form.


    Ans 4. The operons can be retrieved by selection specific E. coli genome from "Browse in OPERON" Genomes tab and submitting tha start and end range of E. coli genome.


    Ans 5. The pathogenic islands can be retrieved by selection specific E. coli genome from "Browse in PAI" Genomes tab and submitting tha start and end range of E. coli genome.


    Ans 6. uCARE's BLAST utility utilizes NCBI blastp and substitution matrix BLOSSUM62 with a expection value of 10.
    NOTE:The BLAST utility works only for protein fasta sequence e.g.


    Ans 7. Complete pathogenic islands, Operons, resistance gene multifasta, and antibiotic sdf can be retrieved from "Download page".


    Ans 8. All the data submission can be done through "Submission page".

    NOTE: The database incorporates only already published data cited in pubmed or pubmed central.↑TOP

    Ans 9. Through this database, we envisage to build a platform where researchers working on Escherichia coli will be able to analyze E. coli pathogenesis on many dimensions. Apart from the gene and drug annotations provided, we plan to integrate primer BLAST for the genes and substiquently start a molecular structural prediction project to provide the structures of these canonical proteins involved in its drug resistance. ↑TOP

    Ans 10. Please refer to the "Contact Us" page for reporting bugs and discrepancy.↑TOP